"Everybody wants rich Chinese Tourist"

jeudi 22 décembre 2016

Tour From Bali, the leading travel agency in Indonesia

‘Tour From Bali’ is a fashion travel agency, uniquely positioned as the largest tour operator in Indonesia. They are best placed to serve customers travelling in Indonesia from every country in the world. The company has grown through its quality services for travellers, going above and beyond the call of duty in order to provide special and unique experiences.
‘Tour From Bali’ (TFB) have become extremely popular with western travellers. The agency has become popular with a host of different types of travellers on varied budgets. TFB have assisted with backpacking trips, individual villa rentals, home stays, cultural exchanges, luxury tours, helicopter trips and uniquely personalized small group tours. They understand the western mindset and how to cater for the European, Australian and American markets expectations.
tourfrombali is also extremely popular with the Chinese market, the largest outbound tourist market in the world. With specialized Chinese staff and mandarin language communications they can cater for their unique sets of needs and requirements. The agency has become a byword for safe and quality Indonesian travel in the Chinese market where Chinese tourists value safety and security above all else. The different landscapes, peoples, cultures and emotional stimulus in Indonesia fascinates the tens of millions of Chinese tourists who are now visiting Indonesia. Tour From Bali offer these different experiences whilst providing the best Chinese language customer service on the market.
How is ‘Tour From Bali’ setting itself apart from other travel agencies? In a nutshell they are offering a better quality of service at the best price. Their business model bridges the gap between B2B (Foreign Travel Agency to Local Travel Agency) and B2C (Customers connecting with Local Suppliers such as TA, Driver, Tour Guides, Hotels, etc). Additionally they are the only tour operator that usually brings tourists from one province to another. The essence of the business is digital, they have embraced technological advancements and digital marketing efforts to achieve significant results.
Indonesia is a special country for overseas visitors. It is arguably the most beautiful archipelago country in the world with a wealth of natural resources that are still largely untouched by human development. It is a hugely diverse country offering visitors much variety, every island has its own  customs, cultures, language variations and unique tourist attractions. This combined with the affordability of Indonesia makes it a top global destination. It is not yet expensive although it is safer to use a trusted travel agency to avoid scamming and price increases.

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  • jeudi 1 décembre 2016

    China’s most influential start-ups

    China’s most influential start-ups

    Gentlemen Marketing Agency has been ranked as the sixth most digitally influential start-up in China by startupranking.com.
    The rankings are generated using calculations of online statistics to produce an SR score. The score reflects the importance of a start-up on the internet as well as its social influence and is then used to rank companies against other start-ups, both globally and regionally.

    samedi 19 novembre 2016

    The Trump effect on Chinese outbound tourists to USA

    President-elect Donald Trump and his future Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping made a good appeal yesterday and established a "clear sense of mutual respect," but if Donald Trump's campaign promises about China are an indication, Can the year 2016 of the United States and China end the improvement of tourism between the two countries? Jing Travel breaks down some of the possible implications of Trump's looming presidency for Chinese travel to the US, as well as the US tourism and hospitality industry in general.

    Exchange Policy

    President-elect Trump stressed that he would impose a tariff of 45 percent on all imports from China, unless China is taking subsidies for many of its key industries. Many political commentators fear that Trump's trade policy towards China will result in a trade war, which could jeopardize the strong growth of Chinese tourism in the United States. While the US has a growing trade deficit in China, $ 365.7 billion in 2015, tourism is one of the areas where the US has a large surplus. Chinese tourists overseas far exceed foreign tourists in China, and this expense is a key reason behind China's trade deficit in the services sector.

    A global trade war between China and the United States puts US tourism exports at risk because it is a powerful weapon for China in a potential trade conflict. While tariffs are an area where China has perhaps the most to lose, tourism represents exactly the opposite situation. As the case of Taiwan proves, China is no stranger to the limitation of tourism to achieve political objectives.

    Visa Policy

    It is easier than ever for the Chinese to acquire tourist visas for the United States, and the 10-year visa that was introduced in 2014 has become an important milestone in attracting Chinese (and rich) visitors to the United States. However, Donald Trump's anti-immigration campaign platform raises serious doubts about the future of this visa program, which is widely regarded as an important driver of tourism between the two countries. The US Department of State has argued that the 10-year visa agreement will benefit both the development and investment of US and Chinese companies. The promise of President-elect Trump to protect US jobs and prevent China from stealing trade secrets undoubtedly part of the investment of visa benefits, highlighting the uncertain future of this visa arrangement. Another objective of the criticism Trump was what he called "babies anchor", or less offensively "maternity tourism," the practice of giving birth to children on the floor of the United States by visiting tourist visas To grant citizenship to American children. It is believed that this practice is common among rich Chinese, and a repression of this practice could lead to collateral damage to general visa policies Ironically, Mr. Trump personally benefited from Chinese tourism and Chinese immigration as a businessman. Trump's hotels welcomes many Chinese tourists, and its Trump Tower was funded by wealthy Chinese individuals who used the investment to apply for EB-5 visas that facilitate immigration in exchange for job-creating investment in the United States. United.

    No more Chinese Investment ?

    The last few years have seen many large Chinese companies in the tourism sector, such as the acquisition by HNA Group of Carlson Hotels and its 25% investment in Hilton, the attempt to acquire Starwood and its successful acquisition The Waldorf Astoria, as well as numerous small acquisitions that received fewer media spotlights. Many United States national security officials and experts, and Donald Trump in particular, are wary of Chinese acquisitions of US companies, and many officials have called for a more rigorous review of these investments. US tourism stakeholders, who are only the beneficiaries of China's outward investment, would have much to lose if the Trump administration reduced Chinese investments in order to promote its protectionist agenda. Trump himself however pointed out that he personally benefited from Chinese real estate buyers and investors. more information here

    jeudi 20 octobre 2016

    Creative strategies to catch Chinese tourists

    Creative strategies and innovative marketing in China

     Using innovative and creative strategies to engage the public marketing of the loins. Brands should try to adopt innovative and sophisticated technical tools to promote products to earn income in the tough market competition. How to attract customers to buy their products and services on behalf of successful marketing strategies and adoptable can be effective in many ways. The penetration of digital media as social media is a good choice for marketers who helps plan the best marketing plans efficiently. Brands should focus on the exchange of social media and social interactions to increase brand awareness and brand promotion. A lot of luxury brands use digital media strategies for smart marketing approaches to get a positive response for its branded products.

    Role of offline and online marketing campaigns in China

    Online & Offline Marketing Campaigns plays a vital role in product knowledge. Brands must use clever strategy of online advertising in China. SEO analyst takes smart to promote e-commerce strategies in social networks decisions. strong marketing campaigns and marketing promotions recognize able always leave good impact on psychology of people. Branding and promotion of services and products ideas is an art that can be shared by the help of others to achieve their goals within the periods of time. Search results engine and SEO are very important for business people for effective and efficient campaigns. E-commerce specialists use smart strategies advertising in China, because he knows best what is best and what is not for people Chine. If you are new and do not know about marketing approaches in China and then learn or get awareness of the rules and regulations of Chinese digital marketing to gain market share. Grow your business with marketing experts Chine and become a successful professional. Adopt unique marketing approaches and gain market share.

    Online Advertising Strategies for Brand Promotions

    Advertising campaigns through social media (wechat) , video presentations, social media marketing, social networks, optimizing search engines, promotion of media, paper copy or in print, promotion of electronic media and the cross-channel promotion, all have techniques that uses smart strategy by marketing experts according to the nature of the products. A significant campaign that the design according to the values ​​of culture and according to the nature of people, that people like most always leave good impact on product sales. carefully analyze the market chines for online ads and using marketing campaigns most famous for brand promotions.

    mercredi 14 septembre 2016

    More Chinese tourists expected in the UAE

    “At present, there are more than 4,000 Chinese enterprises operating in the UAE with bilateral trade volume totalling $48.55 billion (Dh178.18 billion) in 2015,” report gulf news.

    UAE & China 

    It is expected that business between China and the UAE to get a boost as the UAE granted visa on arrival of Chinese nationals, a diplomat and senior business executives Chinese level Gulf News said.
    "It will further promote bilateral cooperation in areas such as aviation, trade and service, bringing more opportunities for bilateral economic cooperation," said Lin Yaduo, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Abu Dhabi.

    He said the UAE was the second largest trading partner of China and the largest export market in the Middle East and North Africa, and an important trading center for Chinese products.
    "Currently, there are over 4,000 Chinese companies operating in the UAE with total bilateral trade volume of $ 48.55 billion (Dh178.18 billion) in 2015," he said.
    The main companies operating in the UAE include China Construction, China National Petroleum Corporation and China Harbour.
    Chinese banks with offices in the UAE are the Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank and the Industrial Commercial Bank of China. Dragon Mart Dubai has many Chinese companies that sell a variety of products, including machine tools, electronics, clothing and leather products. Installation of visa-on-arrival to Chinese nationals also have an important impact on tourism, Lin said. "Tourism is also an important part of bilateral exchanges of people to people as evidenced by the fact that more than 500,000 Chinese tourists visited the UAE last year," said Yaduo. The first half of this year saw 267,000 Chinese tourists to Dubai, marking a year on year increase of 11 percent.

    120 million oversea Chinese tourists in 2015

    "However, if we consider that we had more than 120 million outbound Chinese tourists in 2015, it is fair to say that there is still enormous potential for exploration of more Chinese tourists to the UAE," Yaduo said. With good geographic location and rich tourism resources of the UAE with a strong cultural flavor, the decision to grant visa-on-arrival to Chinese nationals will attract Chinese tourists largely to the UAE, he added. Dubai-based Chinese travel agency Tourism Hunter agreed. General manager Michelle Chen said the Chinese passengers transiting through UAE airports would be easy to get a visa and enter the country for scales. "Tourist arrivals from China will double due to the system of visas on arrival. Many people in China will be of great interest to visit the UAE and see the sights," he said. Vishesh Bhatia, CEO of Jumbo Group, said: "Many Chinese tourists used to visit Dubai, but there has been a decline over the past three years and this will change with the relaxation of visa Now Chinese tourists will be encouraged to. visit the UAE as entertainment centers are increasingly important. " initiative belt and road The diplomat said that the UAE is an important strategic partner of China to build the belt and Road Initiative, also known as the New Silk Road.

    The initiative of the belt and the road aims to connect the development strategies of the countries along their routes. top business executives in the UAE welcomed the decision by the UAE government to grant visa on arrival of Chinese travelers at airports.

    It said the decision will boost trade relations between the two countries and more investment will flow into the UAE from China. "More and more Chinese companies come to the UAE to establish their businesses. It's a good decision by the government," said Tian Jun, general manager of Bank of China in Abu Dhabi.

    Boost the Real Estate 

    The new visa policy is also likely to boost the real estate sector in the UAE. A number of Chinese citizens have already bought properties in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, particularly in Dubai Marina, Downtown Dubai and Akoya said Jun. "It will be easier for Chinese citizens traveling to the UAE to buy property due to the ease of visa-on-arrival. They do not have to go through the hassle of applying for a visa and wait for approval" he added.

    "Chinese companies use the UAE as a hub for sending their products to African countries and sold in the market. With the visa process become simple, there will be a growth spurt in this activity."
    More options for consumers

    More Chinese investors

    David Wang, CEO of Huawei UAE, said the decision could encourage more Chinese companies, investors and tourists to explore the opportunities available in the UAE. "With its strategic location and rules now loose visa, we expect to see a positive impact on the economy of the UAE, as more Chinese companies, investors and professionals are likely to use the country as a springboard to access other markets of the region, "Wang said.

    Jumbo Group Bhatia said more Chinese companies do not threaten companies existing consumer electronics in the UAE, but would offer more choice to consumers.
    Dong Hu, country manager Middle East and Africa Alibaba Cloud said: "Many Chinese Internet companies have already made Dubai as their regional base and the new standard will improve more companies to establish bases in the UAE.

    "The rulers of the UAE have a clear strategy to UAE as an important center of foreign investment and is bearing fruit.
    More information about lead generation in Real Estate 

    lundi 12 septembre 2016

    Chinese tourists spend in the US $ 74M every day

    Chinese tourists spend in the US $ 74M every day 

    In 2015, fashion retail stores, hotels and luxury shops were places where the outgoing Chinese tourists spend most, according to a Xinhua report.
    The report notes that in 2015, the number of Chinese tourists traveling to the US It increased by 18 percent from 2014 to reach 2.59 million. 2015 was also the year China replaced Brazil to become the fifth largest source of tourists in the US In 2015, Chinese tourists spent $ 26.9 billion in the US On average they obtained $ 74 million in revenue each day. Almost 30 percent of that money was spent shopping.

    "The expenditure abroad increased can I attributed to the higher income of Chinese citizens. Expenditure abroad Japanese and Korean tourists' maintained a high growth rate of between 30 and 40 percent before the per capita GDP Japan and South Korea have reached $ 10,000, "said Zhao Ping, a researcher with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

    source http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2018534/travel-industry-asks-taiwans-government-tackle-fall

    "China, with a per capita GDP of $ 8.000, is still in the period of high-speed growth, and the trend will continue," he added. Representatives of the tourism industry in Taiwan were ready to take to the streets of Taipei on Monday afternoon to ask the government to address the declining number of tourists from mainland China who visit the island since the Democratic Progressive Party Independence trend took office in May.

    vendredi 9 septembre 2016

    5 news about Marketing for Chinese travellers

    A bill of 16,500 shekels ($4,393; £3,285) handed to a group of eight Chinese tourists in a restaurant near Jerusalem has sparked an online row.
    It all started when the head of Israel's association of tour operators posted a photo of the bill, suggesting the visitors may have been "suckered".
    But the restaurant's owners contest this, and give a different version of how the meal unfolded.
    They say the group had a gourmet meal and the venue was closed to host them

    Let us observe the main reasons and strategies to attract potential Chinese travelers.

    Sydney, Australia is popular for its landmark structures like the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera Home. It is also renowned for its splendid nature. It is one of biggest market for Chinese hence attracts a major chunk of tourism from China. Sydney is constructed around its big harbors. It is a lovely city and you’ll find there is no lack of things to see and do in Sydney.


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    As we all know china is one of the places in the world where many brand cosmetics available day by day the requirement and cosmetics selling increases. In this world china holds second position in the cosmetics market. If one wants to sell your cosmetic product online in china there should be some factors to be followed to raise your business level as well as to gain popularity of the cosmetics websites. Around 30 percent of business selling done because of e-business, and let see what should be the entire factor to be considered for developing digital marketing?


    lundi 22 août 2016

    Tencent win the Internet Battle fight with Wechat

    Tencent win the Internet Battle fight with Wechat 

    Tencent, the largest entertainment company and online social network in China, reported a jump of 47% of the second quarter earnings. Net income for the quarter stood at 10.9 billion yuan ($ 1.6 billion, £ 1.23bn), beating analysts' expectations. Revenues grew at its fastest pace in more than three years, the company said, rising from 52% to 35.7bn yuan. Tencent is best known for its WeChat messaging application, which dominates the local market. Market dominance Three Internet giants in China, the company's online games and social media Tencent is the largest, but least known in the West. Tencent has not attracted the same attention as global rivals: Alibaba, with charismatic millionaire entrepreneur Jack Ma at the helm, and Baidu, the local equivalent of Google. However, its WeChat service is roughly greater application, it is in China. According to many Chinese users it is ahead of anything people use elsewhere. source BBC

    Wechat a crazzy APP 

    WeChat offers just about all of the mail to the call, mobile games, deliveries of food and online purchases, payments, even down to split the bill when you're with friends. The application has more than 700 million people who use and unparalleled dominance in the Chinese market, but it is not the main source of income of Tencent. "Online gambling has long been the driver for Tencent and it is essential to understand the composition of income," Duncan Clark, technology analyst and CEO of BDA Consulting in Beijing, told the BBC. Gaming giant In June, it was announced that Tencent Holdings and its partners to buy a majority stake in the Finnish manufacturer's Clash of Clans play. The deal values ​​Supercell approximately $ 10.2 billion (£ 6.95bn) and Tencent will buy the game Softbank Group of Japan, which has invested in Supercell in 2013.

    Its key element is the integration of a wide range of all online services combined in one application.

    Social Networks in China ! 

    Social media most avid users include those who derive pleasure from envy of their peers. Facebook, Instagram and others offer a myriad of ways to show, from displaying the latest handbag in social concern advertising through a charitable donation announced publicly.

    Some tourism Companies invest in Wechat
    see examples here.

    Luxury Company invest in Wechat ! 

    That's why luxury companies like LVMH have seen a huge increase in the use of social media among buyers of exclusive products, limited edition, particularly in the key markets of growth in India and China. Naturally, LVMH began using social media to identify and market to customers who most enjoy a upping their friends. Theoretically, this select group of customers - if they could be identified - would jump at the chance to buy a product intended for them. So far, though, LVMH's efforts to what we call "selective sales" have been hampered by random collection of information and the volume of available data. Complete integration of e-commerce and social media represented by WeChat could contain the solution. Some companies have already begun to exploit the opportunities - for example, Tiffany & Co. uses the official WeChat account to refine customer segmentation. Hitting the bull's-eye will depend on the ability of a brand to identify customers, with all their social media connections, are the targets of high value for selective distribution. That's where our research comes.

    With Wechat you can Know your customers! 

      In our study, we used mathematical models to reproduce the typical behavior of the followers of social media who like to show. We also took into account the fact that firms differ in what they know about their customers on social media. Some know nothing or almost nothing. But there are two types of information that are useful: the degree of connectivity (ie how many friends each customer) and the degree to which each client participates in a consumerist bidding (researchers call this "conspicuity"). Totally uninformed companies obviously can not engage in segmentation; companies that have one or two types of customer information may use all available data to curate their target set of customers. Try different combinations gave some interesting general principles. First, the most popular clients are not the high value the most. Fully aware of the business did better when they have targeted customers with a high level of visibility and an intermediate number of disciples, high enough to touch off the purchase of the desired effect envious, but not high enough to reduce the novelty of product - and by extension, its value in the game of competitive consumption - too. Second, not all information is created equal customer. We found that how many friends each customer is much more valuable than knowing their propensity to show on social media. The two types of information is better than no information, but none of the conspicuity information added value for companies who already knew the extent of social network connections to their clients. Overall, the value add information conspicuity amounted to between two and six percent profit gain, while the connectivity information to profit gains ranging from five to 30 percent.

    Like many other high-tech Chinese companies, Tencent was first labeled as a copycat, fill the vacuum created by Beijing banning Western online companies to enter the Chinese markets.

    Wechat better than Taobao... baidu 

    source : http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/17/tencent-overtakes-alibaba-as-chinas-most-valuable-tech-company-as-wechat-owner-posts-strong-results.html 

    Youtube was replaced by Youku, Google with Baidu, Alibaba by Amazon, while WeChat has taken the place of WhatsApp.

    Tencent is also QQ ... 

    It was originally developed on QQ was a Chinese version of the pioneer ICQ desktop email. And there is some truth in the assessment that these companies have their first ideas to be modeled on a Western society. But the days of simply copying are more, many of these companies have mastered the plan they were built on - and often developed further away. "China is increasingly the center of mobile innovation," says Clark. "It is rather that there is a difference now in the West, because people tend to miss what happens in China.

    mercredi 20 juillet 2016

    Interesting video : Top 10 Tourist Attractions in China

    This video explains about Top 10 Tourist Attractions in China. China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state in East Asia. China is the world's second-largest country by land area, and either the third or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the method of measurement.. The Great Wall of China, Forbidden City, Li River Cruise, Leshan Giant Buddha are top tourist places in China. You can vacation to these best places to visit in China. This list of attractions can be your references before you travel to China.

     Top 10 Tourist Attractions in China

    vendredi 24 juin 2016

    Bad news for Indonesia Tourism

    "The capabilities of the military...in securing our seas should be improved, whether it's technology or general preparedness," Widodo said, according to a presidential palace statement.
    A Chinese fishing boat was attacked last Friday while fishing in waters of Natuna a 272-island archipelago off the northwest coast of Borneo in the South China Sea islands. The island archipelago has about 70,000 residents and is administered by Indonesia.

    On Sunday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying Chinese described the incident as such, "While normally operates in traditional fishing areas in southwest China South China Sea on June 17, the Chinese fishing boats were harassed and they fired several navy ships Indonesia. a Chinese fishing boat was damaged and injured member of the crew shot, while another fishing boat and the seven people on board were arrested by the Indonesian side. "

    Indonesia Refuses to Bow to China in the South China Sea

    Indonesia's president held a cabinet meeting aboard a warship off the Natuna Islands on Thursday, asserting sovereignty over waters in the southern reaches of the South China Sea after Beijing stated its "over-lapping claim" on nearby waters. As a result of the incident, Beijing lodged a strong protest to Jakarta through diplomatic channels, claiming that Indonesian "international laws violated including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China sea (DOC). China strongly protests and condemns the excessive use of force. China calls on the Indonesian side to stop taking actions that complicate, exaggerate the difference and undermine peace and stability, and handling the issue of fishing in the sea in a constructive way. "

    The New York Times reported that Chinese nationalists are outraged by the use of force by the Indonesian side. A user wrote via Weibo (microblogging platform similar to Twitter in China) "You call yourself a great and mighty nation, but how is that a small country like Indonesia dare slap in the face?" In the same Times article, another Weibo user reportedly wrote, "Where is the hard-line faction in the army? It's your turn to make an appearance now."

    However, the issue of fishing is not as simple as the nationalists would like to believe. While Beijing claims 90 percent of the South Sea China, with its self-proclaimed "nine-dash-line" or "cow tongue", Beijing recognized in 2015 claiming Jakarta chain Natuna islands, stating that "the Chinese side has no objection to the sovereignty of Indonesia over the Natuna Islands." While the islands are outside the "line of nine script", but also create an exclusive economic zone of 200 miles, or EEZ which excels in waters claimed by Beijing.

    Beijing, however, is a signatory to the Convention and under the Convention, the islands whose population is entitled to an EEZ of 200 miles, which gives Indonesia and its exclusive rights fishermen fishery resources in that area. Moreover, the concept of "traditional fishing", presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, is not recognized in the Convention.

    Chinese outbound tourism Market for indonesia

    This last argument is the third since March, when a Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs of Indonesia patrol vessel intercepted a Chinese fishing boat of 300 tons approximately four kilometers from the Natuna islands chain within the territorial limits of Indonesia indisputable. In that incident, the Indonesian patrol boat fired warning shots of small arms in the Chinese fishing boat, forcing them to stop and the Chinese fishermen were transferred to the Indonesian patrol ship. A Chinese coast guard ship then arrived on the scene, repeatedly ramming the Chinese fishing boat until it was free and then retrieve the fishing boat.

    At that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also made the argument that the incident occurred within the traditional fishing areas of China and the Chinese coast guard vessel assisted by the Chinese fishing boat seized without going Waters-territorial Indonesia despite It is only four kilometers away from an island of Indonesia. In addition, by using its own coastguard boat as a battering ram,

    This kind of New will scare Chinese travellers  ! 


    samedi 18 juin 2016

    Why outbound Chinese real estate is booming !

    Chinese citizens became the largest foreign buyers of homes in the United States last year as they poured more than $ 150 million in real estate over the past five years, a new study has found.

     Key points:

    • Canadians have been relegated to the second to the Chinese purchases of US homes Surge has helped the housing market recover from the economic crisis of 2008 Chinese buyers pay an average of more than $ 1 million home
    • And despite a slowdown due to the repression of Beijing on capital outflows, is likely to double that in the second half of this decade, the study of the Asia Society and Rosen Consulting Group.

    Chinese Real Estate Buyers 

    The huge increase in Chinese buying both residential and commercial real estate has helped the housing market recovers from the crisis that began in 2006 and the economic crisis of 2008 was precipitated.
    "What makes it different from China and noteworthy is the combination of the high volume of investment (and) the extent of their participation in all categories of real estate," including a "unique entry into home purchases" said the study.

    The study authors said their numbers, based on industry data real public estate and underestimates the total, as misses purchases made by front companies and trusts that does not identify the source of the funds.
    According to the study, Chinese purchases of US households far exceeded its investment in commercial buildings and land.

    $ 23 million in the commercial property market,

    Between 2010 and 2015, Chinese buyers put more than $ 23 million in the commercial property market, with the latter half of last year alone.
    However, during the same period, at least $ 127 million was allocated to households in the United States, and in the 12 months to March 2015 - the latest period for which they could obtain data relatively complete - purchase housing amounted to $ 39 million. That put Canadians last Chinese, who have long been the biggest foreign buyers of US residential real estate.

    Geographically, Chinese buyers are concentrated in the most expensive markets: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, but Chicago, Miami and Las Vegas have also been drawn buyers.

    dimanche 8 mai 2016

    Chinese Search Engine Baidu in trouble in China

    Baidu is the number one search engine for Chinese tourists...

    The death of a student following experimental cancer treatment I have found through China's biggest search engine, Baidu Inc (BIDU.O), has exposed the faultlines in the company's business model, Which Relies heavily on income from the country's lightly regulated health sector.

    Problem of Advertising 

    Before His death, Zexi student Wei, 21, Criticized the military-run hospital treatment failed That provided the misleading claims about prep prep for ITS effectiveness and Baidu Accused, controls 80 percent Which of the Chinese search market, of false medical information Promoting.

    This week the health ministry investigation into an Began the hospital, while the internet Began an investigation into Baidu regulator.

    The regulators Have not Said what, if any, Offences or regulations Might Have Been broken and did not respond to requests for comment. Analysts at Daiwa Said regulators Could be checking for compliance With China's Advertisements Law, says Which shouldnt medical industry advertising effectiveness Contain assertions about.

    Baidu Said it was conducting an investigation and Simple past would fully Cooperate With the regulator.

    It is not clear That conventional treatment - surgery to remove the tumor Typically - synovial sarcoma Would Have That cured the rare Suffered from Wei. Reuters has not Been Able to reach the hospital for comment.


    Baidu has come in for fierce criticism for how it handles online search results Within ITS adverts, from an industry as sensitive as healthcare Especially, Which Nomura and Daiwa Analysts at say 20 to 30 percent Provides Its search of revenues. In 2015, 55.7 billion yuan search Were revenues ($ 8.6 billion), or 84 percent of Baidu's overall sales. "Whatever page you're looking at on Baidu is a mess of adverts," Said username FreedLiu on China's Weibo microblog, discussing Wei. "They're profiting from loads of People Who do not know Baidu auctions (its search results)." Baidu vigilance Said it applied to healthcare customers Particularly, with screening for misleading adverts and a verification program with additional scrutiny for medical advertisers.

    "Over the years, we cleaned up the customer proactively Have basis," a company spokeswoman Said by email. It is not the first time the company has fallen foul of regulators and public review for ITS handling of healthcare ads and blogs, though it has not Suffered substantive Sanctions.

    In 2008 it Said it would overhaul operations after state media STI Said it let unlicensed medical service providers buy high search rankings. The hospital Wei Treated That, however, is licensed by the Beijing Municipal government.

    Baidu apologized for management failures

    And in January Baidu apologized for management failures When the regulator found illegal internet content in Its search results and online forums, Including ads for unlicensed clinics. Also Baidu sold the rights to manage a disease discussion site to a company selling treatment for That illness, forum users Said. "Baidu has ADH issues come up About the types of medical ads since 2008 They accept," Said Mark Natkin, managing director of Marbridge Consulting in Beijing. BAD PRESS MOST Like search engines, Baidu places paid-for ads in Its search results, but in a series of Reuters search it included tests at Least twice as many ads as Alphabet Inc's (GOOGL.O) Google, Which is blocked in China, and Placed Its list them in higher. Though Baidu marks Such items as promotions, highlights the word Also Google "Ad" in a yellow box. Baidu's spokeswoman Said the number of adverts on a page Depend on the search subject and Whether it was on PC or mobile, but Declined to give specifics for healthcare-related searches. Google's policies list a string of restrictions on healthcare advertising, and Several searches by Reuters for health-related terms on the search engine produced no adverts. Baidu's smaller local rival Qihoo 360 Technology Co (QIHU.N) Said it does not support healthcare industry adverts.

    Said ITS requirements for healthcare Baidu ads "are not public information, and we can only share our advertising customers With That".

    Several criticism in state media outlets this week Suggests a hardening attitude in government. "Pursuing profits is not wrong, but putting profits over helpless patients' lives is any ethical standards Against," Said a column in the official People's Daily on Monday. Any decision by Authorities to restrict healthcare advertising materials to Baidu's Could have impact on earnings, a concern That Has Contributed to a sharp fall in shares in the last three sessions ITS.

    New regulations 

    The regulator did not return requests for comment on the Possibility of any such action. Daiwa Said 10 to 15 percent of Baidu's search revenue Could evaporate under a worst-case scenario.

    Even without Such Measures, the damage to Baidu's reputation Could hit it in the pocket. "The overwhelming negative press coverage over this incident Could Once Again shake Internet users' trust in Baidu's search results, Especially When people search for healthcare-related information," Said Nomura. "This would, in turn, Affect the performance for healthcare-related ads on Baidu, in our view."

    More information on Baidu SEO


    jeudi 5 mai 2016

    Top Asian Destination for Chinese travellers

    Top Asian Destination for Chinese travellers 

    1. Thailand 
    2. Singapour 
    3. Japan
    4. South Korea 
    5. Vietnam 
    6. Indonesia 

    Singapore is no longer just a stop-over point for tourists catching connecting flights to beaches in Thailand and Bali.

    More travelers are making the city state their final destination, in large part after ending a decades-old ban on casinos that’s helped to double the number of Chinese visitors to the country.
    Tourism is proving to be one of the bright spots in Singapore’s otherwise sluggish economy. Official figures show income from tourism surged 25 percent in the four years since the first two casino resorts were opened in 2010 — flashy and modern complexes housing hotels, shopping malls and restaurants. Credit Suisse said last month that tourist arrivals this year will probably exceed forecasts from the Singapore Tourism Board, climbing as much as 8 percent to 16.5 million compared to 2015.

    In Bali chinese love to party. 
    source photo MVP events Shanghai 

    sources :

    lundi 2 mai 2016

    Bali (Indonesia) Eyes More Chinese Tourists in 2016

    Bali (Indonesia) Top travel destination for Chinese Tourists 

    Bali is constantly voted the best island in the world. It is the ideal destination for most, and the personification of idyll tropical island. Bali indeed has it all - a Shangri-La by sea, in their natural beauty and religious, and advanced social image for the less crazy in the heart.

    Chinese tourists love to travel in Asia!

    There will be the famous surfing beach locations and swells of indigo south, exotic woodlands, palaces and temples of Ubud Jatiluwih rice grain and impeccable diving and rafting Rowdy to experiment and explore. Naturally, Bali is blessed with an all natural and social captivate the most experienced tourists landscaping.

    Why Bali? 

    Its diverse and rich interpretation of Hinduism permeates every corner of the field, offers every morning hours, until the day of silence Nyepi closing the airport. This unique blend of Hinduism is located in the center of the beauty of Bali paired with warm smiling people encounter every day hug. Craftsmen series of streets and scattering through the towns, they have in ages ancient traditions of the artwork and the creation and production of some of the best design on the planet.
    Bali culture has captivated the thoughts of travelers because the first white and African American films of Charlie Chaplin were made during his visit in the 1930s Things were a little more innocent then, and the ladies of Bali yet they strolled topless, making the main island 'head sex' holiday places for settlers in search of a cheap joy reality.

    Bali Tourism Bureau 

    Bali’s Association of Travel Bureaus (Asita Bali) is optimistic of witnessing a surge in the number Chinese tourists visiting Bali in 2016.
    Direct flights from Chinese cities to Bali Island could help increase the number of Chinese tourist arrivals, Chairman of Asita Bali I Ketut Ardana stated here, Monday.
    On January 12, 2016, Garuda Indonesia launched a direct flight connecting Shanghai in China with Denpasar in Bali Island.

     “Recently, additional flights have been started to Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzou,” he added. With a population of over a billion people, China contributes at least 100 million tourists making overseas trips a year.
    The number of Chinese tourist arrivals in Bali has increased significantly over the past few years, placing China as the second-largest tourist contributor, after Australia.
    From January to November 2015, Bali received 642 thousand Chinese tourists, up 19 percent from 539,371 tourists recorded in the same period in 2014.
    Bali has set a target to attract 4.2 million foreign tourists in 2016, a slight increase from four million in 2015. In the meantime, the nation’s flag carrier Garuda Indonesia recently opened a new route to China between Denpasar in Bali and Shanghai.

    sources :

    mercredi 27 avril 2016

    Top Tweets about China

    Top Tweets about China 

    Today the 10 tweets that you need to read....

    jeudi 21 avril 2016

    Education is a new giant market for Austalian Tourism bureau

    The education sector in China is the world's largest, with no less than 9 million new students in 2015. This sector accounts for about 4% of national GD

    With Australian political tour of China to promote trade, education is a priority in the agenda, with Chinese students now make up 27 percent of all international students in Australia.
    A delegation of about 1000 Australian politicians and business leaders in China this week for Australia in China Week, a trade mission to China key.
    They will be promoting Australia as a premium destination for investment, tourism and education. With more young Chinese seeking study abroad, Australian universities are willing to make their pitch.

    smog and Beijing's notorious traffic are two things Qinteng Hou says that will not be lost when going to study her Masters in International Business in Brisbane later this year.
    The 22-year-old says Australia's environment and relaxed lifestyle played a role in his decision to apply to the University of Queensland. "Australia is a beautiful place, which is not as crowded as Beijing. You can feel relaxed and comfortable there," Hou said.

    tens thousands of Chinese students in Australia ! 

    It's just one of the tens of thousands of Chinese students looking to Australia for higher education. Today account for over 27 percent of all international students in Australia, helping to make education the fourth largest exporter of the nation. In 2014 international education contributed about $ 17 billion to the Australian economy, and that figure is expected to increase.
    Sydney University is just one of the Australian universities that sent representatives to Beijing to Australia in Week China. Michelle Carlin spokesman says Chinese students are extremely important for college.
    . China in the last ten! Had ears and "#erienced is a $ er! #rogress Ra # id $ arious fields. t is estimated that more than 100 foreign students and 000 stud! Ing at $ arious uni $ ersities in China. n addition to the # rogress achie $ ed b! Chinese and the reason for WH! foreign students learn that there are tuition fees are chea # er of them in the 'australia

    mandarín foreign and economics and management and. + edical successful education Chinese Sino-s is caused b! its national modern character

    China's complements educational reform

     More information here https://www.academia.edu/24285318/Online_education_is_a_new_giant_market_in_China_Australian_are_now_proving_it

    and here

    vendredi 15 avril 2016

    The Chinese travellers are strongly influenced by their social circle

    Social media is increasingly fragmented with new emerging platforms

    Many people focus on the current Chinese networks, the most dominant social but what I feel is a strict control. New forms of expression are constantly emerging and development in this fast paced, constantly changing market. There is a huge demand for social networks and little foreign competition, which creates space for a multitude of digital home platforms develop. The Chinese government also provides grants and incentives for creative new technology start-ups is encouraging the creation of new platforms. With an increasing number of people of all ages and backgrounds by using social media, it is likely to be a demand for "new" spaces where users can communicate and share content in a different way.

    Two examples are (a similar photo application Instagram) 'Nice' and 'Meipai' (a similar application on Vine video). Brands such as Ray Ban and Bulgari have already begun to launch campaigns on these platforms. Neither has yet acquired a dominant position, but it is expected that the fragmentation of the landscape of networking through these types of networks 'alternative' will continue.

    Top tips for Western brands looking to market themselves on social networks in China

    Content is king on Wechat 

    Create interesting, shareable content in Mandarin that will appeal to the Chinese. Often the content is produced in a cartoon, the almost childlike style, cartoon animals, for example, are very popular. Be active on social media. Really engage with consumers directly, people enjoy direct communication and are more likely to share your brand within their network.

    Use the 'Key Opinion Leader "or KOL. The recruitment of these figures in the name of a brand can be a very effective way to distribute content. Find specialized partners in China. They have extensive knowledge of the market and the links and local resources you need to use.

    WeChat: WeChat is the Chinese Internet giant Tencent social network Lighthouse, it began as an instant messaging application before morphing into a truly integrated social network platform. Users can communicate via instant messaging, sending a written text, audio or video clips to another. It is a very user friendly platform acts as a purse (it is related to Alipay), the platform game (Chinese regularly play group games), taxi ordering service (Didi Kaudu similar Uber, is directly related to WeChat) and it also has a video call option that is much more effective than skype.

    Companies can create official accounts and should attract followers to subscribe. This is vital as more closed network, users can not see the messages or comments by those they are connected. The goal of any brand is to disseminate their content to a user's network. Users post times (similar to an update) and often share content as part of this. Generating a favorable reputation is achieved by actively engaging with users and subscribers.

    Baidu Tieba: This is part of the Chinese search engine Baidu 'prevailing over 70% of its own market. Tieba is a forum for topics that are searchable by different categories of subjects. Content becomes more prolific it gains visibility based on the ranking of the Tieba community (much like Reddit). For a brand, the objective is to produce interesting content that the community is very rank, the brand needs to attract quite a following classification of their high content in order that it appears on top of the Tieba community.

    Qzone: A social networking site created by Tencent in 2005. It is largely an instant messaging platform, but users join groups to discuss specific topics. These groups can be directly targeted because they tend to be on niche topics.

    The Chinese are strongly influenced by their immediate social circle

    The numerical solution can be extraordinarily effective for western brands here because the Chinese are turning to social media for more information. The Chinese are wary of more traditional media sources, but place great confidence in their social circle. Content shared between a user's network has a strong sense of legitimacy in the eyes of the Chinese consumer. That is why it is important for Western brands to operate on these platforms, people greatly appreciate the direct communication here. Create promotions and offer discounts that are exclusively provided for WeChat and Weibo followers, but ensure that the promotion includes friends and family, that they also are likely to follow your account

    source : http://www.socialnetworksolutions.co.uk/tag/marketing-strategy/

    jeudi 31 mars 2016

    7,000 Chinese tourists in California $ 85millions profit

    7,000 Chinese tourists in California 

    A group of about 7,000 people from China visited the southern California in late May, their one-week stay in the United States set a record not only because of the unprecedented number of people in one group, but also because of the economic benefit -

     $ 85millions profit 

    $ 85 million - it has generated for the city of Anaheim, orange County and beyond. Despite the high level group of the exhibition and their many commercial purchases, they left the United States in controversy, complaints and criticism, mainly because of their behavior. Chinese tourists sometimes forget their best ways From May 21, Perfect China members, a direct marketing company that sells health food, household and beauty products, took 86 flights to come to the United States stayed in 26 hotels and filled 13,000 to 14,000 hotel rooms. According to Union Pay, each member of the group spent $ 10,000 or more during the visit.

    "We are making history," 
    said Xu Guowei, vice chairman of China Perfect. They also made a bad impression.

    Describing some of the group Perfect China as arrogant, loud, intrusive and undisciplined, bus driver chartered Eric said they blocked access to persons with disabilities in Sea World in San Diego to take group photos and argued that it was their right to do what they wanted. In Las Vegas casinos, members of the group spitting on the carpet and ordered many drinks refills without tipping waiters or waitresses.

     Women members of the group have had rooms of men in the hall, leaving the men waiting in line because they do not feel like walking to the upper floors. Jimmy Liu, a tourist guide in Los Angeles, said there is a lack of knowledge about American culture, tradition, regulations and social norms.
    "Some members brought their usual bad manners, spitting example, in the US and unfavorable impressions left here," 

    Chinese tourists in California

     Each year the number of Chinese visitors to California rose, said Caroline Beteta, CEO of the visit in California, which helped put the group. Beteta said his agency expects growth of 63 percent in the number of Chinese visitors between 2013-16, and estimated that they will spend $ 2.2 billion in California on shopping, accommodation, meals and transportation . In 2013, more than 1.8 million Chinese visited the US, an increase of 23 % compared to the previous year, and they spent about $ 9.8 billion, said Yuan Nansheng, Consul General Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco. In 2000, the number of Chinese travelers reported exponentially as 10 million overseas trips. In 2008, more nations, including the United States signed agreements with China to allow groups of tourists, a movement has helped to bring more Chinese tourists.

    In 2013, Chinese travelers became the single largest group of expenditures per capita in California, the No. 1 US destination for Chinese tourists. As China goes back to the second largest economy in the world, Chinese visitors are also sweeping everywhere, including Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Although countries and destination areas welcome tourism dollars and purchasing power, they are angry against the chaos, the hassle and bad behavior of Chinese tourists bring to their cities. Given the Chinese tourism boom, some industry insiders believe that the government should implement educational programs. For example, the mandatory label classes for the visitors before their departure are encouraged to help them behave better in countries and foreign cultures. "For example, the Chinese should learn table manners, know concepts such as space, privacy and wait your turn," said Shino Wang, head concierge of a five star hotel in San Francisco. "the more they are exposed to these Western standards, more properly, they will behave

    further readings :

    dimanche 27 mars 2016

    New Zealand, the most active country in Chinese Social Media

    New Zealand, the most active country in Chinese Social Media

    Social Media in China : Interview of the New zealand Country manager

     Check a this interview

    About New Zealand and China ! 

    New Zealand is famous for its landscape, and among the tourist attractions of the country are two glaciers that are both surprising and unusual because they snake down the mountain in a temperate rainforest, which makes them easy to people to walk up to the view. But Fox and Franz Josef glaciers melted at a pace as it has become too dangerous for tourists hiking on them from the bottom of the valley, ending a tradition that goes back a century. With the persistence of warm weather this year, there are no signs of a recovery, and scientists say it is another example of how climate change has an impact on the environment.

    New Zealand travel industry is booming 

    The Tourism industry in New Zealand is booming and nearly 1 million people last year flocked to get a glimpse of glaciers and spectacular valleys they carved. But the only way to set foot on them now is to fly them by helicopter
    Tour operators offer flights and glaciers guided walks, although the logistics limit per year to 80,000 tourists, half the number that once raised from the valley floor. Until another 150,000 people each year take scenic flights landing briefly above glaciers. "It is the uniqueness, the rawness of the environment", which attracts tourists from Australia, North America, Europe and, increasingly, China, said Rob Jewell, president of Country Tourism Group Glacier. Flying in the field Unesco world heritage comes with its own risks, highlighted in November when a tourist helicopter crashed on the Fox Glacier, killing all seven on board. Sitting near the base of the Franz Josef glacier, Wayne Costello, director of district operations for the Department of Conservation, said that when he arrived there eight years, the rock was perched on were buried under tons of ice. Instead, the glacier is now coming to an end at 800 meters above the valley.
    Global journalism requires investment quality. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut and paste the article. See our Ts & Cs and Copyright Policy for more details.

    Chinese Consumers! 

    Consumers in China fueled a boom travel and tourism last year, despite the country's economic slowdown. Chinese tourists spent $ 215bn outside of mainland China in 2015, according to figures released Monday by the World Travel & Tourism Council, an increase of 53 percent from the $ 140 billion spent in 2014.
    However in China, the surge in the number and amazing spending power of middel kindsdom outbound tourists is not lifting "all boats".
    The global Tourism Bureau requires investment quality. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut and paste the article. See our Ts & Cs and Copyright Policy for more details. While Chinese outbound tourism has experienced strong growth in recent years, the figures represent a strong acceleration as the first graph. "[China] outbound tourism is growing like crazy," said David Scowsill, President and CEO of WTTC. "There were significant shocks last year in the stock market and the currency, but it did not slow the growth of travel and tourism. Once people started to travel, they are reluctant to give up this. " However, the surge in outbound Chinese tourism has expanded the country's trade deficit in the sector. The number of foreign tourists visiting China increased slightly to 56.9m in 2015, an increase of only 2.2 percent in two years, according to the World Organization of United Nations Tourism. Preliminary figures from the same body

    Other readings:

    lundi 21 mars 2016

    MARRIAGE: China vs. The West ! (a nice video)

    SerpentZA and laowhy86 have both been married in China, and share their experiences, and extensively cover how marriage works in China, Hong Kong, and in their home countries. Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation.

    Every week, we take you to a new place in China on our bikes, cover a topic, reply to your questions, and do monthly giveaways!

    China VS West ! 


    mardi 9 février 2016

    Happy Chinese New year from Facebook

    This video is just great ...

    Other readings https://www.facebook.com/marketingtochina/posts/547092162116673

    dimanche 31 janvier 2016

    5 best ways to Learn Chinese ( it is Magic ! )

    Learn to read, write and speak Chinese with this audio method of Chinese online and free! It is possible in China, many websites talk about that and if you really want you can start Today

    First Chinese tools 

    In this Website http://www.chinese-tools.com/learn/chinese 
     The program, oral, study of Chinese characters, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, examples and exercises. The Chinese in 10 Minutes a Day This method of audio Mandarin is designed for francophone students who want to learn to speak Chinese and make rapid progress daily, orally and in writing.

     In Chinese, a syllable is composed of an initial, which is the beginning consonant syllable and a final, which covers the remainder of the syllable.

    Pratice with Friends or teachers

     "The Best way to study Chinese is to learn the basic and practices with your Chinese Friends" Explain TailormadeChinese http://www.tailormadechinese.com/learn-chinese-in-china/learn-chinese-in-shanghai/

    The Video to Learn Chinese 

    On youtube you have a lot 

    Learn Pinyin on some Website about Chinese language

    Pinyin, the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Many systems were used to learn and transcribe the pronunciation of Chinese. Today the official transcription adopted internationally is based on the Pinyin alphabet, developed in China in the late 1950s. source

    d, m, f, n, and are pronounced as in French. j is pronounced "dj" as a "genius" in English z is pronounced "dz" zh is pronounced "dj" as a "job" in English b decide between "p" and "b" g to say between "k" and "gu" aspirated guttural h tends a little towards the "r" French. x is pronounced "ch" pulling "s", as in "dog" sh is pronounced "ch" but slightly serious, as in "cat" r is pronounced somewhat like "r" in "rain" in English We must pay attention to the pronunciation of consonants called "sucked". Air must be expired just after pronouncing the consonant. p is pronounced "p" t is pronounced "t" k is pronounced "k" q to say between "tch" and "ts" ch is pronounced "tch" but the tongue folded over c is pronounced "ts"

    Close enough to the original pronunciations: b / w / t g / k j / q z / zh c / ch

    The Finals

    In modern Chinese, there are 38 possible finals after the initial 21 presented above.

    Other website get specific way to learn caracter

    Learn Chinese pinyin

    ie to say between "yé" "yè" e is pronounced "e" er to say between the "e" and "a", rather guttural have to say "go" ei is pronounced "eille" or is pronounced "o" as in "go" in English year is pronounced "ane" without forcing the "n" -ng (final) used to make a more nasal. The "g" is not pronounced. uei, uen and iou preceded by an initial ui are written, respectively, one and iu. Mandarin Chinese has four tones a tone more "flat". Your Brand Description 1 High and constant da 2nd dá Starts with a medium tone and rises up tone 3rd dǎ Starts with a low tone, down to the grave and then up to the high tone 4th dà Starts with a high tone and descends sharply to the serious Neutral da Dish and expressionless

    ou have always wanted to learn Chinese but the apparent difficulty of this language has always discouraged you? With the help of this simple and fun new method, you will be able to include a majority of the signs and read Chinese in no time! It is clear at first glance, the Chinese do not seem to be the easiest language to learn. But thanks to the revolutionary method devised by Hsueh Syaoran, you're going to understand quickly and playfully written language. Its called Chineasy technique uses a very simple process: every word is associated with an illustration as you can see below, and to better remember them.

    In the Chinese language, when a word is associated with another, they form a new. Well it also works logically with our method! This system blocks fit together will help you understand about 200 words used in basic Chinese. Useful for not eating snake or insects when the restaurant is as explained by its creator. Some examples of using multiple words side by side, and you want to continue the experiment, hurry a ride on the website Chineasy, full of tricks are given. Syaoran Hsueh also participated in the TED conference in February, where she further explains in detail his approach and the concept behind this method of learning. You can find this conference fully subtitled in French just below

    The CRAMPE Method 

    The "CRAMPE method to learn Chinese" was launched a few months ago by Cédric Beau. This is a novel method for easily and quickly learn Chinese online. Eric teaches Mandarin Chinese with this method and has agreed to meet the information China issues.

    Hi Eric! To start, could you introduce yourself? Hello, my name is Eric Sanson, I am 47, I am an electronic engineer. I am also caver in my spare time and I often go on exploration in France or abroad. China is a wonderful country for caving, I went many times to the exploration and also training to caving for the Chinese. Before starting CRAMPE method, were you the concepts of Mandarin Chinese? I had very few notions aside some oral vocabulary. In fact I have a goldfish memory I have always been put off by the effort and time to invest to learn the language. It seemed insurmountable.

    What inspired you to want to learn this language?

    When you spend time in a country, it is normal to want to learn the language to communicate. I have now spent more than a year in China in cumulative time, I begin to be familiar with Chinese culture, but I now regret not having started to learn Chinese before. This is not envy but lacked an effective way to not lose too much time and energy.

    How long do you study Chinese now? It's been a month since I started, I learned about 70 vocabulary words and I struggle not to forget them. It's hard for me but the techniques taught by the method CRAMPE help me a lot to partially offset my bad memory.

    Why did you choose this method to learn Chinese?

    Initially it was quite by chance, I was in Guiyang (Guizhou, China), and I was looking on the internet the recipe for a typical excellent soup you eat down the street from my home. I came across the blog of Cedric, a French teacher living Guiyang Chinese. You should know that there are only a few dozen French in Guiyang on a population of several million people. Intrigued, I contacted him, he was actually in France, and I found his method of learning Chinese with interest. She has that others do not?

    What caught my attention initially is that this method is not based on pure memorization, but rather explanations and analysis to understand how each character is constructed. So many characters are not the fruit of chance, but are composed of significant elements which partially help to memorize the route mnémotechniquement character and meaning. We must not believe that it works every time, far from it, but it facilitates learning significantly.

    Original Way to lear Chinese character 

    source http://soocurious.com/fr/une-nouvelle-methode-revolutionnaire-va-vous-apprendre-le-chinois-de-facon-fun-et-simple/ 

    Then, the proposed method seems effective it is much like what we could have a good school, that is to say, a good teacher explains the lesson to students for 20 minutes (video), then practical exercises to memorize the lesson. In the Chinese language, when a word is associated with another, they form a new. Well it also works logically with our method! This system blocks fit together will help you understand about 200 words used in basic Chinese. Useful for not eating snake or insects when the restaurant is as explained by its creator. Some examples of using multiple words side by side, and you want to continue the experiment, hurry a ride on the website Chineasy, full of tricks are given. In Définitions de in. symbol the chemical element indium. adjectif (of a person) present at one's home or office. we knocked at the door but there was no one in synonymes: present, (at) home, inside, indoors, in the house/room adverbe expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else. come in synonymes: inside, indoors, into the room, into the house/building préposition expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else. living in Deep River synonymes: inside, within, in the middle of, surrounded by, enclosed by nom a position of influence. he would ensure an in with the nominee abréviation inch(es). 13 autres définitions Voir aussi in, in-, IN, in., In my opinion, In many ways Traductions de in préposition dans in, into, within, on, inside, during en in, into, to, of, at, during à to, in, at, with, by, upon chez in, among, to, amongst dedans in, into au bout de in adverbe dedans in, within, inside, indoors à l'intérieur inside, inland, inward, in, inwardly...

    Are you ready to learn Chinese in Shanghai ... ?

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