"Everybody wants rich Chinese Tourist"

jeudi 23 mai 2024

Chinese Tourists in Mauritius: Trends and Key Data


Mauritius has emerged as a popular destination for Chinese tourists, attracted by its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and high-quality tourism services. Here's an exploration of the latest trends and data concerning Chinese tourists in Mauritius:

Top Trends  Chinese Tourists in Mauritius:

Increase in Leisure and Luxury Travel: Chinese tourists are increasingly drawn to Mauritius for its luxury resorts, pristine beaches, and exclusive activities such as private yacht tours, luxury spa services, and golfing at world-class courses. The demand for personalized and high-end experiences has seen a noticeable rise.

Cultural and Eco-Tourism: There's a growing interest among Chinese visitors in the cultural and ecological aspects of Mauritius. This includes tours focused on the island’s history, visits to the lush botanical gardens, and eco-friendly accommodations.

Longer Stays and Higher Spending: Recent trends indicate that Chinese tourists are not only choosing to stay longer in Mauritius but are also spending more during their visits. This is in part due to Mauritius offering visa-free entry for Chinese citizens, which simplifies travel arrangements and encourages extended vacations.

Digital Influence in Travel Decisions: Social media and digital platforms are significantly influencing Chinese tourists' travel decisions. Platforms like WeChat and Sina Weibo are popular for sharing travel experiences and for marketing by Mauritian tourism operators.

Health and Wellness Tourism: There is an increasing interest in health and wellness, with Chinese tourists frequenting wellness centers and spas in Mauritius that offer traditional and holistic health treatments.

Key Data... in 2024

Tourist Arrivals: Prior to the global disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a steady increase in tourist arrivals from China, with figures reaching up to 30,000 visitors annually. Recovery trends suggest a gradual return to these numbers as travel restrictions ease.

Economic Impact: Chinese tourists are among the highest spenders in Mauritius, significantly contributing to the local economy. The average daily spend is higher than that of tourists from many other countries, boosting revenues for local businesses and the hospitality sector.

Market Share: Chinese tourists constitute a significant portion of the Asian tourist market in Mauritius, with market analytics pointing to a growing share, reflecting broader trends in outbound Chinese travel globally.

Challenges and Opportunities for tourism Business

Language Barriers: While the influx of Chinese tourists presents significant economic opportunities, language barriers remain a challenge. Increasing Mandarin-speaking staff and services can enhance the experience for Chinese visitors.

Marketing Strategies: To capitalize on this growing market, Mauritian tourism authorities and businesses are enhancing targeted marketing campaigns in China, focusing on digital platforms and partnering with Chinese travel agencies.

you understand right ;-)

In conclusion, the trend of Chinese tourists visiting Mauritius highlights the island's appeal as a global tourist destination that caters well to the needs and preferences of international visitors, oh yes especially from China. The continued focus on upscale, cultural, and eco-friendly tourism aligns well with the interests of Chinese travelers, promising sustained growth in this sector.


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China Investors Eye Africa’s Tiny Island of Mauritius as It Goes Green and Tries to Sweeten Trade Deals
As global investment patterns shift toward sustainability and strategic economic alliances, yes, yes Chinese investors are increasingly turning their attention to Mauritius, a small but influential island nation off the coast of Africa. IN Mauritius, renowned for its robust economy and strategic location, is making significant strides in "going green" and enhancing its trade agreements, making it an attractive destination for foreign investment, especially from China. (oh yes)

Mauritius: A Strategic Hub

Mauritius has been vigorously pursuing sustainable development policies, aiming to transform into a fully green economy. Oh yeahhh... This shift involves major investments in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, sustainable agriculture practices, and green tourism initiatives. The country has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint significantly in the coming years, attracting investors who are keen to fund environmentally friendly projects.

This transformation is not merely an environmental choice but a strategic economic decision.... strange but By adopting green policies, Mauritius aims to position itself as a pioneer in sustainable practices within the region, appealing to international investors who are increasingly bound by global standards and regulations requiring environmental stewardship.

Strengthening Trade Ties

Parallel to its green initiatives, Mauritius is actively working to enhance its trade agreements, particularly with significant economies, including China. The island has been leveraging its membership in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and its existing free trade agreement with China to negotiate more favorable terms that would facilitate easier access to African and Asian markets for businesses operating out of Mauritius.

For Chinese investors, Mauritius serves as an ideal gateway for penetrating the African market. The island's stable political environment, favorable tax regime, and strategic geographic position make it a compelling hub for re-exporting goods to mainland Africa. Additionally, Mauritius offers sophisticated financial services and legal frameworks aligned with international standards, providing a secure and efficient base for managing investments.

Chinese Investments Flowing In

Chinese investment in Mauritius spans various sectors, with significant inflows seen in real estate, manufacturing, and the burgeoning green technology sector. Chinese companies are not only looking to set up production facilities and launch services on the island but are also investing in infrastructure projects that support Mauritius’s sustainable development goals. These include smart city projects, water management systems, and renewable energy plants.

Moreover, Chinese tourism to Mauritius has been on the rise, further cementing economic ties between the two nations. This increase in tourism has led to more Chinese businesses looking to invest in the hospitality and leisure sectors, promoting sustainable tourism practices that align with Mauritius’s green objectives.

The Future of Mauritus


As Mauritius continues to refine its trade policies and strengthen its commitments to sustainable development, it is poised to attract even more investment from China. The deepening cooperation between China and Mauritius exemplifies a broader trend of Chinese engagement with African nations, focusing on mutual growth, sustainability, and long-term economic partnerships.

In conclusion, Mauritius's strategic initiatives to go green and sweeten trade deals are reshaping its economic landscape, making it an increasingly attractive destination for Chinese investors. This evolving relationship not only benefits Mauritius but also contributes to China's broader investment strategies in Africa, aligning with global economic shifts towards sustainability and stronger intercontinental trade networks.

vendredi 15 septembre 2023

Celebrities in China and the Power of U.S. Brands

Celebrities in China and the Power of U.S. Brands

China, with its vast population and burgeoning middle class, has become a focal point for many global brands and celebrities seeking to expand their reach. Particularly in recent years, the intertwining of international celebrities and U.S. brands with Chinese culture and its consumers has shaped trends, behaviors, and market dynamics in fascinating ways.

The Rise of International Celebrities in China

China’s affinity for international celebrities isn’t new. For decades, stars from Hollywood and other parts of the world have been well-received in the country. Their popularity is often magnified through China’s thriving entertainment industry, which includes movies, music, and an array of streaming platforms.

Cardi B's recent foray into Chinese social media is just one example. The Grammy-winning rapper, upon introducing her profiles on platforms like Douyin and RED, witnessed an overwhelming reception. Such instances underline the hunger and enthusiasm of the Chinese audience for international talent.

This celebrity influence is even more pronounced when stars align themselves with social causes or voice opinions that resonate with the local audience. Cardi B, for instance, garnered admiration for her remarks about the COVID-19 pandemic and her defense of China against certain stigmatizations.

U.S. Brands in China: A Landscape of Opportunities and Challenges

U.S. brands have long understood the potential of the Chinese market. From fashion giants like Nike and Levi's to tech firms such as Apple and Tesla, the push into China has been robust. Their branding often intertwines with celebrities, leveraging their influence to gain traction among local consumers.

Yet, while the potential is vast, so are the challenges. The Chinese market is nuanced and driven by local tastes, preferences, and cultural dynamics that U.S. brands need to navigate carefully. Missteps, whether in marketing campaigns or product launches, can have significant ramifications.

Take, for example, the Kardashians. Their global influence is undeniable, and their ventures into beauty and fashion sectors have garnered attention worldwide. In China, however, the narrative becomes more layered. On one hand, their beauty products find an audience keen on international luxury brands. Yet, on the other hand, the cultural connection isn't always direct. The aspirational lifestyle they sell may resonate differently, requiring brands associated with them to tread carefully.

The Digital Frontier: Navigating the Social Media Landscape

The digital realm has played a pivotal role in shaping the celebrity-brand dynamic in China. Platforms like Weibo, Douyin (China's TikTok), and Xiaohongshu (Red) offer direct access to the Chinese audience, circumventing traditional media barriers.

For U.S. brands, understanding and mastering these platforms becomes paramount. The digital landscape in China is vastly different from the West, with its own set of influencers, trends, and algorithms. Collaborating with local influencers or 'Key Opinion Leaders' can often yield better results than leveraging only international celebrity power.

Looking Ahead: Adapting and Evolving

For U.S. brands and international celebrities looking to make an impact in China, the path is clear but not without its curves. Deep cultural understanding, continuous adaptation, and collaboration with local entities are essential.

Furthermore, while celebrity endorsements can offer an initial push, genuine connections with the audience are built on authenticity, trust, and products or messages that resonate. China, with its rich history and vibrant contemporary culture, is a land of opportunity. Yet, to seize these opportunities, brands and celebrities alike need to approach with respect, understanding, and a genuine desire to integrate and celebrate the uniqueness of Chinese culture.


  1. https://dailybn.com/2023/08/the-games-market-in-china-is-expected-to-grow-to-57-billion-in-revenue-by-2027/
  2. https://amirarticles.com/the-shopping-festival-in-china-all-data/
  3. https://quordle-hint.com/china-is-the-new-fragrance-country-for-brands/
  4. https://zoroto.org/digital-education-in-china-will-solve-a-lot-of-problems/

vendredi 30 juin 2023

The kidswear market in China : Full survey Mc Kingsley

 The kidswear market in China presents a robust and rapidly expanding opportunity for both local and international brands. Powered by rising incomes, increasing consumer sophistication, and favorable demographics, the market is ripe for exploration and growth. This essay will delve into the trends shaping the China kidswear market, the challenges faced, and present case studies of successful brands, interspersed with key takeaways.

Trends Shaping the Market

Demographic Shifts: With the relaxation of China's one-child policy and an uptick in birth rates, there's been an increasing demand for children's clothing. Parents, particularly the 'post-80s' and 'post-90s' generation, are willing to spend more on high-quality, stylish items for their children.

Premiumization: The shift towards higher-quality, premium products is visible in the kidswear market. Parents are increasingly seeking international brands that offer comfort, quality, and style. The trend for mini-me or parent-child matching outfits also drives this shift towards premium brands.

Ecommerce & Social Commerce: Ecommerce has revolutionized the way Chinese consumers shop for kidswear. Platforms like Tmall, JD.com, and social commerce sites like WeChat and Xiaohongshu are popular for kidswear shopping. Livestreaming and KOL (Key Opinion Leader) marketing are becoming significant in reaching and influencing consumers.

Sustainability: With increasing environmental awareness, there's a growing demand for sustainable and ethically produced kidswear. Brands that focus on organic materials, eco-friendly manufacturing, and ethical labor practices are gaining popularity.

Challenges in the Market

Navigating the kidswear market in China is not without challenges:

Fierce Competition: The market is crowded with international, local, and online-only brands, making differentiation a significant challenge.

Fast-changing Trends: The market is subject to rapid changes in consumer preferences and trends, driven by social media and KOL influences.

Regulatory Environment: Compliance with China's complex and sometimes opaque regulatory environment can be challenging, particularly for foreign brands.

Case Study: Balabala

Balabala, a local Chinese brand, has made significant strides in the kidswear market. Its success can be attributed to the following strategies:

Wide Product Range: Balabala offers a diverse product portfolio that caters to children from infants to 14-year-olds, covering casual wear, sportswear, shoes, and accessories.

Affordable Pricing: Despite offering trendy and quality products, Balabala maintains affordable pricing, making it popular among a wide range of consumers.

Extensive Distribution Network: Balabala has an expansive offline presence with over 4,000 stores across China and a robust online presence on major ecommerce platforms.

Local Insights: Balabala leverages its understanding of local tastes and preferences to design appealing collections.

Takeaway: Balabala’s success underscores the importance of product diversity, competitive pricing, an extensive distribution network, and leveraging local consumer insights.

Source : https://fashionchinaagency.com/chinese-childrens-wear-market-projected-reach-65-billion-2020/


lundi 16 janvier 2023

Thailand welcomes Chinese visitors BUT it is more expansive


Thanks to the flexible policies of the government and the efforts of the tourist companies.

Thailand is in the top 5 countries where the Chinese want to travel and the high demand associated with limited places leads to a 20% increase in tourist packages.

The increase in tourist package prices is due to the limited number of packages resulting from the decrease in air links between countries and the lack of preparation of tourist agents in China.

Thailand welcomes  Chinese visitors  BUT it is more expansive

He said airlines are currently working to increase the number of flights in the first quarter.

An expert of toruism in China added that there were already 344,446 confirmed seats with an 85% occupancy rate on each flight from China, which could help ferry 320,397 Chinese tourists to Thailand by March.

tourism players stressed the importance of preparing for Chinese visitors by learning the Chinese language, providing compatible online payment platforms and providing good hospitality to Chinese tourists.

These measures would give Thai tourism an edge over other tourism competitors.

lundi 26 décembre 2022

4 TikTok trends in Vietnam

 This article outlines the top 7 trends in Tiktok marketing in Vietnam 2022. You can use these tips to help you plan for the coming year.

Trend #1: Branded hashtag contests will be more popular

TikTok challenges are a great way to promote new launches and spread brand image. The brand will launch a challenge, such as sing, dance cover or duel. To attract potential viewers to take part and to spread the campaign message of the brand on their TikTok accounts.

Tiktok's Branded Hashtag Challenges offer valuable features for brands like:

You can add brand-specific effects (filters or emojis).

This landing page provides information about the prize as well as instructions for how to take part in the challenge.

Real-time collection and display of video participants

Branded hashtag challenges should be fun and viral in order to build a relationship between customers and brands. They shouldn't be too commercial.

Trend #2: UGC is becoming more important for brands

TikTok's User -generated Content (UGC), are videos created by KOCs and customers to discuss the brand's products or services. Businesses can turn viewers into customers and brand advocates by positive UGC.

UGC is also a key factor in reaching new customers. It is difficult to maintain an organic, continuous supply of UGC. Companies encourage customers to post reviews on social media, and include their hashtag so others can easily find their brand.

TikTok UGC has one goal: to help businesses reach and convert Gen Z audiences. Gen Z trusts the people they admire and follow, and not ads.

UGCs have become an integral part of all marketing campaigns. UGCs must be authentic and natural. Micro-Nano Influencers (KOCs) are more popular than Celebs of Tiktok.

Trend #3: Connect with others using Duet

TikTok Duet allows users the ability to combine their videos and a trending video from another creator on one screen. This feature divides the screen and limits the content to the same length as the creator's.

Tiktok Duet allows users to create unique content with other creators.

Brands can use this feature to create more creative hashtag challenges. It also encourages users to interact with businesses more. Brands may also think about partnering with influencers to reach their followers.

Trend #4: Affiliate marketing at Tiktok Shop

TikTok launched its Shop version just last month at the end April 2022.

TikTok Shop supports creators and businesses. TikTok Shop is a unique e-commerce platform that builds an ecosystem for buying and selling.

Businesses can sell products, logistics, customer service and more on Tiktok. Customers don't have to go to any other e-commerce site to place orders. TikTok's affiliate program allows creators to collaborate with businesses.

Tiktok Shop makes ordering easy for viewers and helps businesses to increase their online sales.

source : https://gma-asia.com/7-tiktok-marketing-trends-in-vietnam-to-learn-for-2023/

lundi 7 novembre 2022

The Chinese Sport Market, harder and harder

Despite its immense potential, the Chinese sport market remains difficult to tame for European and North American sports organizations. 

A big market BUT 

Few of them have managed to generate very significant income by developing their activities in this new territory. And the geopolitical context could lead them to temporarily prioritize other markets in their internationalization strategy.

Sportswear is a popular category of clothing in China. In fact, the country is currently the world’s largest market for sportswear, worth an estimated $US27.5 billion in 2017. There are a number of reasons for this popularity, including a growing middle class with more disposable income and an increasing focus on health and fitness. Additionally, many foreign brands are now manufacturing sportswear in China, making it more accessible to consumers. If you’re looking to sell sportswear in China, there are a few key factors you need to keep in mind. From understanding the consumer profile to having a robust e-commerce strategy, read on for five tips to help you succeed in this lucrative market. Source https://explainsfactor.com/2022/11/05/5-factors-to-sell-sportswear-in-china/

Partnership in China

Of the fifty or so major partnerships that the team based in Hinwil in Switzerland has, only two come from China. Last February, Alfa Romeo F1 Team had formalized a first agreement with the dairy firm AMX while SenseTime – a Chinese company specializing in artificial intelligence – has just signed up with the team powered by Ferrari. Nevertheless, to believe the words of Frédéric Vasseur, these first chords are only the quivering of a movement that should grow in the future. “We have signed our 2nd partnership with a Chinese company. It's a good step forward and I'm very happy with it. We have made many contacts in China and the work is starting to bear fruit. Even if I know it will be a long process” continues the Team Principal of the Swiss team.

The signing of a top Chinese athlete is therefore not enough to automatically generate new lines of revenue from this market of more than 1.4 billion people. Alfa Romeo F1 Team is not the first sports organization to experience this. Despite a resounding media impact and a buzz effect when he signed – club equipment supplier Kelme announced the sale of 10,000 shirts in China just a month after his arrival – RCD Espanyol did not manage to significantly develop their revenue in the region following the recruitment of international Wu Lei. The club's overall sponsorship revenue has fluctuated in recent years between €10m and €15m - and even fell to €5m during the club's Segunda División season - only a tiny fraction of which came from the Middle Kingdom despite the presence at its head of a Chinese owner in the person of Chen Yansheng. Receipts which are light years away from the income garnered by the main leaders of La Liga while Espanyol has nothing to be ashamed of in terms of TV audiences recorded in China compared to Real Madrid or even the great Catalan rival.

mardi 1 novembre 2022

The New Crazy Emigration of Rich Chinese People

The Chinese Communist party under its new leader Xi Jinping unveiled a striking programme of reforms aimed at rebalancing the world’s second-biggest economy in favour of market forces and the private sector.

Under its 60-point reform plan Xi’s new administration promised to get rid of obstacles that had been holding back consumer-led growth in China — including enforcing a property tax, granting more land rights to farmers and migrant workers, and opening state-controlled sectors to private capital.


The state’s tight grip was about to ease. If implemented as planned, analysts predicted at the time, China could maintain 7 per cent annual gross domestic product growth for at least the decade to come and make the transition into the category of high-income nations.

Almost 10 years on, many of those promises remain unfulfilled. At the same time, the Chinese economy faces diminishing returns after relying for years on growth that has been propelled by a debt-fuelled real estate investment boom.

Battered by Xi’s controversial zero-Covid policy, stiffening global economic headwinds and a slumping housing market, this year is set to mark the first time since the early 1990s that China’s growth rate will fall behind the rest of the region.


dimanche 30 octobre 2022

Real Estate in China and Tourism

 Real Estate in China , tourism are supported by Local Governement

China is the world’s second-largest economy and its real estate market is growing at a rapid pace. In fact, according to China National Real Estate Association, the country recorded $2.8 trillion in property transactions in 2016—an increase of 24% from 2015. This growth is being fueled by government initiatives and local government support. In this article, we will explore the role of local government in the Chinese real estate market and how it helps to support the industry. We will also look at some of the key policies that have driven this growth.

IMF warns does not see a quick resolution of China real estate woes