"Everybody wants rich Chinese Tourist"

samedi 11 novembre 2017

Chinese tourists continue to increase by 17% to 20% each year

Chinese are traveling more abroad 


However, the majority of key tourism players can not make themselves known and do not know how to attract new travelers. Business trips are also expanding, the Chinese are traveling more abroad for business trips. Unsurprisingly, the Chinese tourist market abroad is huge. In 2014, there were 107 million Chinese tourists abroad, and this number is expected to reach 130 million by the end of 2016. China is already the largest tourist market emitting in the world. The percentage of Chinese tourists traveling out of China continues to increase by 17% to 20% each year and is expected to continue to increase significantly, according to the China Tourism Academy. The same group estimates that around 200 million Chinese will travel abroad by 2020. Most of them will stay in hotels around the world.

How do Chinese tourists choose hotels? 

How do Chinese tourists choose hotels? While Chinese tourists may be receptive to offers or promotions they find on the Internet, their decisions are usually based on specific needs and preferences. For this reason, hotels should be ready to consider many features aimed at satisfying a wider audience. Three examples are: Manage and maintain your e-reputation Chinese tourists seem to be greatly influenced by their community. For example, they are 38% more likely to make a purchase after reading positive recommendations online. Compared to Western tourists, they are more likely to consider online reviews and reviews on the forums when making a decision. This is one of the main reasons why increasing the online brand of a hotel is the key to success. First, many Chinese tourists travel abroad for the first time. They are often concerned about security issues in the places they stay, and the security features of a hotel are a priority. Second, many do not speak much English; therefore, hotels must offer services to help them. Transportation, such as bus travel or tour packages, is particularly important. Finally, Chinese consumers often buy luxury goods abroad, as prices are generally lower than in their country of origin.

 Different ways for the tourism industry to attract the attention of the Chinese travelers.

They do the same thing with hotels and will tend to choose the one that is cheaper. Obviously, there are many features and services that hotels can adopt to be more appealing to Chinese tourists. Be present on the search engines Baidu, the main Chinese search engine, is currently the most popular way for Chinese to search for holiday destinations. To have an advantage, hotels must be well positioned on the first page of the results. In addition, hotels should monitor what users say online, and check for positive comments and comments from other links to get more bookings.

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